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Black-Owned Tech Firm Transforms Digital World with QR-Codes

VReel’s Innovative QR-Code Solutions in the Digital Age

Rosemarie Miller, at the Forbes BLK Summit, met with Javon Bell, CMO of VReel, a trailblazing black-owned tech company.

VReel’s Visionary Approach

VReel has emerged as a leader in the tech industry by integrating QR-code technology into everyday objects. This innovative approach allows for seamless information sharing, transforming how we interact digitally.

The Functionality of VReel’s Platform

VReel’s platform leverages NFC-enabled devices to facilitate instant connections. This novel method revolutionizes the sharing of personal and professional content, signaling a new frontier in digital communication.

VReel’s Expanding Reach

Adopted by top brands and government offices, VReel’s technology is a synthesis of platforms like Instagram, Linktree, and LinkedIn, but with a twist: it’s entirely user-owned.

The Future with VReel

VReel isn’t just introducing a product; it’s shifting the paradigm of digital connectivity. Their NFC-based technology offers immersive, user-controlled experiences.

VReel is at the forefront of the tech industry, redefining digital connectivity with its QR-code innovation.

Source: Rosemarie Miller at the Forbes BLK Summit in Atlanta